What Can Be Brought to a Computer Scrap Collection Point? «

One of the branches of our activity is the collection of computer and  electronic scrap. What parts and components does our Krakow collection point  accept and how does it operate? Why is it so important for electronic waste to  reach the right and designated point for this purpose?

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What are electronic waste (e-waste) and where to dispose of or discard them? «

What are electronic waste (e-waste) and what falls under this category? Can  they be disposed of in municipal waste containers? Where in Krakow can they be  dropped off?

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Why is it not allowed to dispose of electronic waste in regular trash bins? «

Electronic waste lingers in the homes of millions of Poles. Some of us, during  major clean-ups, decide to get rid of electronic waste by throwing it into the  trash bin, and then into standard waste containers, which is a mistake.  According to the current legal regulations, such an act can result in a fine  of up to 5000 zlotys. What exactly is electronic waste, and what are the basic  principles of e-recycling that should be followed?

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